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'NoneType' object has no attribute 'append' with OpenLCA

I am using python to call functions in the software OpenLCA and processing the results outside of openLCA. openLCA provides an implementation of an JSON-RPC based protocol for inter-process communication (IPC). However, I get the following error when I am trying to change the value of the Test_Parameter to 2000: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'append'.

I am following the exact instructions as mentioned here:

this is my code

import olca
import uuid
client = olca.Client(8080)

setup = olca.CalculationSetup()

redef = olca.ParameterRedef() = 'Test_Parameter'
redef.value = 2000

setup.calculation_type = olca.CalculationType.SIMPLE_CALCULATION
setup.impact_method = client.find(olca.ImpactMethod, 'ReCiPe Midpoint (H)')
setup.product_system = client.find(olca.ProductSystem, 'Test_Process')
setup.amount = 1.0

result = client.calculate(setup)
client.excel_export(result, 'hellotest.xlsx')

any help would be very appreciated.

many many thanks



    It seems the client.parameter_redefs is initialized to None. I didn't see a defined way of initializing it through the class so maybe you're expected to do it directly?

    setup = olca.CalculationSetup()
    setup.parameter_redefs = []