I'm using flutter web and firebase for a project and got stuck on a problem. I'm trying to update a map in an array in firestore.
using this:
var val = [];
val.add({'groupUID': groupUID, 'inviteStatus': status});
var userInviteUID;
await users
.then((value) => userInviteUID = value.data['inviteUID']);
await invites
.updateData({'invites': FieldValue.arrayUnion(val)});
I got this result: firestore structure
What I want to do is just change the 1 to a 2 in the map. I thought that it would update since its the same value but it just adds it to the array.
I looked around on stack and saw some ways to do it like copying the entire array and changing it where I need to, then adding it back.
But I wanted to know if there was a way to avoid that by adding some modifications to my code. Also let me know if there's a better structure I should use. Appreciate the help!
var ref = invites.document(userData.inviteUID);
ref.get().then((value) async {
var invitesList = value.data['invites'];
switch (status) {
case 1:
case 2:
var index;
invitesList.asMap().forEach((key, value) {
if (value['groupUID'] == groupUID) index = key;
await invites
.updateData({'invites': FieldValue.arrayUnion(invitesList)});
So I looked at some print statements and seen that the elements with the matching group uid is removed, but looking at firebase, the array isn't overwritten anything...any ideas?
var ref = invites.document(userData.inviteUID);
ref.get().then((value) async {
var invitesList = value.data['invites'];
switch (status) {
case 1:
case 2:
var index;
invitesList.asMap().forEach((key, value) {
if (value['groupUID'] == groupUID) index = key;
await invites
.setData({'invites': FieldValue.arrayUnion(invitesList)});
Fixed it by changing updateData to setData.
I looked around on stack and saw some ways to do it like copying the entire array and changing it where I need to, then adding it back.
That's exactly how you are supposed to modify the contents of arrays in Firestore documents. Firestore doesn't support updating array elements by index.