I have a subtopics table and a videos table and they are related. My videos table looks like the following
|id| sub_topic_id| episode | title | description |
|1 | 1 | 1 | Hello | Test |
|2 | 1 | 10 | Hello2 | Test |
|3 | 2 | 1 | Hello3 | Test |
What I want now is to get the video for every subtopic
with the highest episode number
and paginate on them.
In my example I would get 10 for the subtopic 1 and 1 for the subtopic 2.
I hope it is clear what I mean, maybe someone could help me. What I have tried in eloquent for now is
$videos = \DB::table('videos')->where('episode', \DB::raw("(select max(`episode`) from videos)"))->paginate(10);
This is the query;
SELECT videos.*
FROM videos
SELECT sub_topic_id, MAX(episode) AS maxEpisode
FROM videos
GROUP BY sub_topic_id) AS subQuery
ON subQuery.maxEpisode = videos.episode AND subQuery.sub_topic_id = videos.sub_topic_id;
This is the eloquent version;
$subQuery = DB::table('videos')
->select('sub_topic_id', DB::raw('MAX(episode) as maxEpisode'));
return Video::join(DB::raw('(' . $subQuery->toSql() . ') as subQuery'), function ($join) {
$join->on('subQuery.maxEpisode', '=', 'videos.episode');
$join->on('subQuery.sub_topic_id', '=', 'videos.sub_topic_id');