if (isset($_POST['Registerme']))
$error1='name required';
$error2='email required';
$error3='required field';
$error4='password required';
$error5='required field';
$error6='country required';
if(empty($error1) && empty($error2) && empty($error3) && empty($error4) && empty($error5) && empty($error6))
{echo 'mysql query goes here and add the user to database';}
}///main one
else {$error1='';
this is a registration validation script. in my registration form there are two email and password filelds.second fields are for confirmation.i want to check weather user typed same information in that both field.if i want to do that in this script should i use another if statement? or i should use else if? i am confused about that step...
Some comments:
Some sample code...:
// Simple sanitize function, complete it
function sanitize_input ($inputstr) {
return trim(mysql_real_escape_string($inputstr));
if (isset ($_POST['Registerme']) {
// array of error messages to report
$error_messages = array();
$isvalid = true;
// Assignment
$yourname = sanitize_input ($_POST['yourname']);
$email = sanitize_input ($_POST['email']);
$email2 = sanitize_input ($_POST['email2']);
$password = sanitize_input ($_POST['password']);
$password2 = sanitize_input ($_POST['password2']);
$country = sanitize_input ($_POST['country']);
// Validation
if (empty ($yourname)) {
$error_messages[] = "You must provide an username";
if (empty ($password)) {
$error_messages[] = "You must provide a password.";
elseif ($password !== $password2) {
$error_messages[] = "Passwords do not match.";
// Same for email, you caught the idea
// Finally, execute mysql code if all ok
if (empty($error_messages)) {
// Execute mysql code
isvalid = true;
// After form processing, use isvalid which is false if there are errors
// and the error_messages array to report errors