I need a recipe for validating a MasterFormat classification string that consists of a set of numbers followed by a title string.
The numbers that begin the string must be:
3 sets of 2 digits separated by spaces:
09 68 13
The last set of digits can also be a decimal:
09 68 13.36
Followed by a space
Then a string of words to represent the title, the first letter of each word to caps
09 68 13 Tile Carpeting
09 68 13.36 Tile Carpeting
I have a start which seems to work but I can't seem to get the word string added in correctly.
This will be validated in a Laravel Rule.
You may use
See the regex demo. Details:
- start of string\d{2}\s\d{2}\s\d{2}
- two digits, whitespace, two digits, whitespace, two digits(?:\.\d{2})?
- an optional non-capturing group matching 1 or 0 occurrences of a .
and then two digits\s+
- 1+ whitespaces\p{Lu}\p{L}*
- an uppercase letter followed with 0+ letters(?:\s+\p{Lu}\p{L}*)*
- 0 or more occurrences of 1+ whitespaces followed with an uppercase letter followed with 0+ letters\s*
- 0+ whitespaces$
- end of string.