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how to use -auto-level +level-colors command argument into PHP ImageMagick

I am converting the Image with a specific color and it is working fine with the magick command, below is my command,

magick image.png -channel RGB -colorspace gray -auto-level +level-colors '#f48023', result.png

and it is working perfectly fine and now I am converting this command into PHP code but not sure about -auto-level and +level-colors argument. Here is my code,

$image = new Imagick('image.png');
$image->opaquePaintImage('','#f48023', 0, true);
header("Content-Type: image/png");
echo $image->getImageBlob();

and the output looks not good at all,

enter image description here

here is my original Image

enter image description here

**EDIT(Updated code) **

$im = new Imagick();
$image = new Imagick('logo3.jpg');
list ($width, $height) = array_values ($image->getImageGeometry ());
$im->newImage(1, $height,new ImagickPixel('#f48023'));
$im->newImage(1, $height,new ImagickPixel('#FFF'));
$combine  =$im->appendImages(true);


header("Content-Type: image/png");
echo $image;

and output of this code is below

enter image description here

logo3.jpg is here enter image description here


  • See autoLevelImage at

    I do not see any equivalent to +level-colors. But you can get a similar effect by creating a two pixel color map image, one pixel for each of two colors by appending the two 1-pixel images. See

    Then use clutImage to apply the colors from the color map image to the processed image. See


    Here is what I mean using ImageMagick command line as an alternate to -auto-level and +level-colors. In the first command I use -auto-level and +level-colors. In the second command I use -contrast-stretch 0 (as equivalent to -auto-level) and a color map image with -clut as equivalent to +level-colors.


    enter image description here

    magick lorem_ipsum.png -colorspace gray -contrast-stretch 0 +level-colors '#f48023,' lorem_ipsum_recolor1.png 

    enter image description here

    magick \( lorem_ipsum.png -colorspace gray -contrast-stretch 0 \) \
    \( -size 1x1 xc:"#f48023" xc:white +append -filter cubic -resize 1024 \) \
    -clut lorem_ipsum_recolor2.png 

    enter image description here

    I do not see the need for -colorspace RGB, which would make the colors linear and darker. If you want to convert from some other colorspace, use -colorspace sRGB.