I've tried installing ctags
package in sublime text 3 and exuberant-ctag
in ubuntu16.04, but it was not feasible to finish goto c++ definition. So I want to know how to be able to jump to c++ definition in sublime text 3 of ubuntu16.04. Any advice will be appreciated.
sublimelsp/LSP implements a Language Server Protocol (LSP) for Sublime Text 3, which you can use as the language client for your editor:
Language Server Protocol support for Sublime Text 3 that gives you IDE features.
ccls is an excellent C++ language server which speaks LSP. The ccls author has even answered a ticked for, particularly, making use of ccls in Sublime Text 3:
Does ccls support sublime text 3? #265
MaskRay commented on Feb 15, 2019
ccls speaks LSP. You just need a language client for your favorite editor. For Sublime Text 3, you may try https://github.com/tomv564/LSP