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Sending more GTM event data without duplicating Tags

I collect video tracking data to data layer and I would like send all the data as a part of the same event.

        'event': 'video',
        'EventCategory': 'HTML5 Video',
        'EventAction': VideoProgressWatched,
        'EventLabel': videoLink,
        'EventContributor': videoContributor,
        'EventVideoCategory': videoCategory,
        'EventVideoDuration': videoDuration

I tried splitting this into few different Tags that are triggered by the same triggers.

Tag 1:

Event Category: {{EventCategory}},

Event Action: {{EventAction}},

Event Label: {{EventLabel}}

Tag 2:

Event Category: {{EventCategory}},

Event Action: {{EventAction}},

Event Label: {{EventContributor}}

Tag 3:

Event Category: {{EventCategory}},

Event Action: {{EventAction}},

Event Label: {{EventVideoCategory}}

But I somehow doubt this is the right way to do it. What would be the correct way of doing this?


  • Consider sending the additional data as hit-scoped custom dimensions, then on the GA side defining those Custom dimensions as things like "Event Contributor" etc.