I have a template:
<div *ngFor="let order of orders" (click)="showReglamentList =! showReglamentList">
<app-dropdown-reglaments *ngIf="showReglamentList" [depid]="order.depId"></app-dropdown-reglaments>
When user clicks over row it toggles showReglamentList
, so component app-dropdown-reglaments
is activated.
But now it activates all components in each row (loop) with server request.
I can solve this like this:
let rowComponentVisibility = {};
orders.foreach((item, index) => rowComponentsVisibility[index] = false);
Then use:
Problem is I try to cache it, and dont initialize the component again, just hide/show if it was initilized before.
How to solve it?
You want component to be loaded on click, ngIf is a good option. Below I use rowComponentsLoad array to keep a track of what component to load. To display / hide you can use ngClass and toggle a "hide" class. You keep track of what is displayed in a second array rowComponentsVisibility.
<div *ngFor="let order of orders; let i=index;" (click)="loadOrder(i)">
<app-dropdown-reglaments *ngIf="rowComponentsLoad[index]" ngClass="{ 'hide': rowComponentsVisibility[i] }></app-dropdown-reglaments>
loadOrder(index) {
this.rowComponentsLoad[index] = true;
this.rowComponentsVisibility[index] = true;
hideVisibilityBut(index) {
for(for i=0;i<this.rowComponentsVisibility.length;i++) {
if(i!==index) {
this.rowComponentsVisibility[index] = false;
.hide {
display: none;