I am trying to limit the movement of QGraphicsItem inside of a parent object inherited from QGraphicsPathItem that has an arbitrary complex shape (not square).
As I understand, I should extract each point of the moving object and check whether each of them is not contained in the parent QPainterPath. Then split the parent QPainterPath into small rectangle-shaped polygons and restrict movement area in the bounding box of each sub polygon.
So, I would like to know if there are any other options to exist. Thanks.
Maybe you can check on QGraphicsItem move event if it is still inside QGraphicsPathItem.
The check itself, you can do it with this QGraphicsItem method:
bool QGraphicsItem::collidesWithItem(const QGraphicsItem * other, Qt::ItemSelectionMode mode = Qt::IntersectsItemShape) const
And to be sure that item is still fully enclosed inside its parent, set the mode to Qt::ContainsItemShape
If it is false, return QGraphicsItem to its previous position
EDIT: this check returns if QGraphicsItems shape is inside other QGraphicsItems shape, not its bounding box.