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Google fit API add multiple data type based on scope

I am using google fit API with multiple user scopes. How can I add multiple data type for each source. If possible, why I cannot add this as a datasource.

      "name":"Foo Example App",
    //1st data type
    //2nd data type
      "manufacturer":"Example Manufacturer",

And I got a response of

    "error": {
        "code": 400,
        "message": "Invalid JSON payload received. Unknown name \"dataType\" at 'data_source': Proto field is not repeating, cannot start list.",
        "errors": [
                "message": "Invalid JSON payload received. Unknown name \"dataType\" at 'data_source': Proto field is not repeating, cannot start list.",
                "reason": "invalid"
        "status": "INVALID_ARGUMENT"

But when I only add one scope which is like this

      "name":"Foo Example App",
      "manufacturer":"Example Manufacturer",

It returns me 200 which is successful. Did I miss something or is what I am trying to do possible? Thanks.

Google fit API reference


  • I believe the nesting your trying to do has to go at the dataField level rather than the dataType level.


    I think this because I noticed that 'field[]' is a collection while dataType is not.