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How to set auto settle flag to MULTI in realex/global pay?

I've gone through their documentation and it says to set Auto Settle Flag as MULTI. But there is no such parameter in the PHP SDK library.

From their documentation

How to set auto settle flag to MULTI in HPP?

I've also added the code sample below:


use GlobalPayments\Api\Entities\Address;
use GlobalPayments\Api\Entities\Enums\AddressType;
use GlobalPayments\Api\ServicesConfig;
use GlobalPayments\Api\HostedPaymentConfig;
use GlobalPayments\Api\Entities\HostedPaymentData;
use GlobalPayments\Api\Entities\Enums\HppVersion;
use GlobalPayments\Api\Entities\Exceptions\ApiException;
use GlobalPayments\Api\Services\HostedService;

// configure client, request and HPP settings
$config = new ServicesConfig();
$config->merchantId = "MerchantId";
$config->accountId = "internet";
$config->sharedSecret = "secret";
$config->serviceUrl = "";

$config->hostedPaymentConfig = new HostedPaymentConfig();
$config->hostedPaymentConfig->version = HppVersion::VERSION_2;
$service = new HostedService($config);

// Add 3D Secure 2 Mandatory and Recommended Fields
$hostedPaymentData = new HostedPaymentData();
$hostedPaymentData->customerEmail = "";
$hostedPaymentData->customerPhoneMobile = "44|07123456789";
$hostedPaymentData->addressesMatch = false;

$billingAddress = new Address();
$billingAddress->streetAddress1 = "Flat 123";
$billingAddress->streetAddress2 = "House 456";
$billingAddress->streetAddress3 = "Unit 4";
$billingAddress->city = "Halifax";
$billingAddress->postalCode = "W5 9HR";
$billingAddress->country = "826";

$shippingAddress = new Address();
$shippingAddress->streetAddress1 = "Apartment 825";
$shippingAddress->streetAddress2 = "Complex 741";
$shippingAddress->streetAddress3 = "House 963";
$shippingAddress->city = "Chicago";
$shippingAddress->state = "IL";
$shippingAddress->postalCode = "50001";
$shippingAddress->country = "840";

try {
   $hppJson = $service->authorize(19.99)
      ->withAddress($billingAddress, AddressType::BILLING)
      ->withAddress($shippingAddress, AddressType::SHIPPING)
   // TODO: pass the HPP JSON to the client-side    
} catch (ApiException $e) {
   // TODO: Add your error handling here


  • At this moment it does not appear that multi-capture is supported by the Global Payments PHP SDK.

    Multi-capture functionality is being added however and will be available at some point in the future.

    Until this time, please feel free to update a fork of the repo, to suit your needs. We're adding a mutli-capture boolen flag on the base level TransactionBuilder and using this flag through the AuthorizationBuilder into the processTransaction method of the RealexConnector. I would then check the flag, and set auto-settle to "MULTI", if not set then follow the existing logic for the 0/1 values.