I am building a decentralized application and the embedded smart contract contains a function, which can be called only by the owner of the smart contract (i.e. the account that initiated the deployment process). I am using Ganache, which comes with 10 predefined accounts. From what I know, the address used for deployment is the first one from that list of accounts, so I call that function with the first address returned by web3.eth.getAccounts() as argument. But there is a problem. When I change the account from Metamask, web3.eth.getAccounts() changes its value and the first address is the one from Metamask. How can I get the account used for deployment, without using web3.eth.getAccounts()?
just copy and paste the address' in from the one you want in ganache. the top listed address where the contracts were deployed
web3.eth.sendTransaction({ to: "0xc25903033606D6D9FeE655E58F024b152B1734C1", from: '0x2fbFa394f462755a1c5c68eB4cee47b243046afc'})