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How can I test a CNG key for exchangeable?

I have taken a certificate:

X509Certificate2 x509 = store.Certificates.Find(X509FindType.FindBySubjectName, "CNGTestCert", false)[0];

and now I want to get the providertype parameter. But I cant do x509.PrivateKey. In result of this I used var key = x509.GetRSAPrivateKey();. How can I get out of this key the ProviderType to decide the KeyNumber (looks like here: Or is there a easier way to test the private key for key function (key was created for signature or exchange)?


  • I found a way to check CNG certificate for exchangeable. If I read the private key of certificate by var privateKey = (cngCert.GetRSAPrivateKey() as RSACng).Key;, did I get the KeyUsage. The "KeyAgreement" flag marks the certificate for usage of secret agreement generation and key exchange.

    var privateKey = (cngCert.GetRSAPrivateKey() as RSACng).Key;
                //is for KeyExchange 