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Use different image from two PDF for create one PDF with FPDI/TCPDF

I would use two differents pages from two differents PDF for create one PDF with both pages combines. For that I use FPDF and I have done this :

$finalPDF  = new Fpdi();
$secondPDF = new Fpdi();

$personalizationPdfPath   = "Path_of_my_first_PDF";
$templatePath             = "Path_of_my_second_PDF";


// Import the first page
$page1 = $pdfFinal->importPage(1, PdfReader\PageBoundaries::MEDIA_BOX);

// Import the second page of second PDF
$page2 = $secondPDF->importPage(2, PdfReader\PageBoundaries::MEDIA_BOX);

// Get the size
$dimension = $finalPDF->getTemplateSize($template_page);

// Add the page
$finalPDF->AddPage($dimension["orientation"], array($dimension["width"], $dimension["height"]));

// Apply the page1 on the finalPDF
$finalPDF->useTemplate($page1, 0, 0, $dimension["width"], $dimension["height"]);

// Apply the page2 on the finalPDF
$finalPDF->useTemplate($page2, 20, 28, $dimension["width"]*0.75, $dimension["height"]*0.75); //error

But when I run it, I have Template does not exist error. If I put $page1 instead of $page2 it work, both pages are combine. The first 100% size and second 75% size. I don't know why the $page2 not working. I have used dd(dump die) to see the difference between both $pages, nothing revelant.

So I use an alternative, transform the $page2 into a picture and use AddImage method :

$imageFromPDF = "Path_of_my_image.jpg";
$finalPdf->Image($imageFromPDF, 35, 35, $dimension["width"]*0.70, $dimension["height"]*0.70, "JPG");

$pdfFinal->Output("F", "nameOfPdf");

It works good, but the quality is bad. I have read this subject but the quality still trash.

On both way, anyone has a good solution ? Thanks


  • Just do it step by step. There's no need for 2 FPDI instances.

    $pdf = new Fpdi();
    // set the first document as the source
    // then import the first page of it
    $page1 = $pdf->importPage(1, PdfReader\PageBoundaries::MEDIA_BOX);
    // now set the second document as the source
    // and import the second page of it:
    $page2 = $pdf->importPage(2, PdfReader\PageBoundaries::MEDIA_BOX);
    // to get the size of an imported page, you need to pass the 
    // value returned by importPage() and not an undefined variable 
    // such as $template_page!!
    $dimensions = $pdf->getTemplateSize($page1); // or $page2?
    // Add a page
    $pdf->AddPage($dimension["orientation"], $dimension);
    // use the imported pages as you want...
    // Apply the page1 on the finalPDF
    $pdf->useTemplate($page1, 0, 0, $dimension["width"], $dimension["height"]);
    // Apply the page2 on the finalPDF
    $pdf->useTemplate($page2, 20, 28, $dimension["width"] * 0.75, $dimension["height"] * 0.75);

    The values 20 and 28 looks odd to me but it's what you'd used.