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accessing restlet from programming languages different than java

if im using restlet as an API, can I access it from client PCs using programming langages other than java ? and do I need language binding ? or how could this be done ? I don't have experience in this so can you please provide good explanation ? Thanks in advance


  • REST architectures are independent from any language. This means that they can be produce and consume by any language / technology and the sent data format can be specified using the Content-Type header. Moreover the possible expected data format for responses can be "configured" using content negociation (headers Accept).

    You can even interact with RESTful applications with simple / low level client like RestClient ( The tool allows you specifying hints for the HTTP request.

    You can also notice that some works are done at the moment to make available a JavaScript version of Restlet. See the following page for more details: A very first version of the Restlet client support is usable within browser and node.js.

    Hope it helps you, Thierry