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Deploy website to IIS from VS - options aren't present?

I am trying to get web deployment working, but following Microsoft: Publish to IIS


  • Must have VS2019 [yes]
  • Server is running Windows 2019 DataCenter
  • Running IIS 10
  • ASP 2.0, 3.0 and 4.7 installed
  • Web Deploy 3.6 for Hosting Server installed
  • Web Account Manager Service running
  • Web Deployment Agent Service running
  • Web Management Service Running
  • IIS Management Scripts and Tools installed

With the above installed, the instruction say to restart the IIS Console and chose Deploy > Configure Web Deploy Publishing from the Default website, but it's not showing (on the Default Site, or my App Services site)

enter image description here


  • To resolve the close iis manager if it is open.

    Go to the "programs and feature".

    Select web deploy -> click change.

    Enable IIS Manager UI Module, IIS Deployment Handler, and Remote Agent Service.

    enter image description here

    Click next -> change -> finish.