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How to convert vavr collection to Java array?

I know about but it's deprecated. Is there a non-deprecated method that can be used?


  • Out of the three toJavaArray variants, only the toJavaArray(Class) variant is deprecated directly, the other two are marked as deprecated because the Value class itself is deprecated. The generated javadoc is not very helpful in distinguishing between the two, unfortunately, but you can check the source code directly. This picture is probably a more precise representation of the current state: screenshot showing IntelliJ IDEA with the toJavaArray methods in the Value class, with deprecation warnings

    Value is deprecated in favor of io.vavr.Iterable. This new interface is an extension of the java.lang.Iterable type, that differs mainly in that it returns an io.vavr.collection.Iterator instead of a simple java.util.Iterator. io.vavr.collection.Iterator extends Value, and I expect that after the removal of the Value interface, all methods which are not explicitly deprecated in the Value interface will be moved to io.vavr.collection.Iterator.

    Out of the two not explicitly deprecated toJavaArray methods I would use the T[] toJavaArray(IntFunction<T[]> arrayFactory) variant – which was one of my contributions to the vavr project –, as it returns a typed array of the correct type instead of an Object[].

    To sum it up, instead of using vavrValue.toJavaArray(), I would use vavrValue.iterator().toJavaArray(SomeType[]::new).