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list comprehension in place of nested loop avoiding item duplicity

I have some functions which retrive lists of items, matrix of itens. after retrieving a matrix I need to put the itens in a new list, and avoid duplicated ones. With nested for loops it´s easy, but I would like to know how to perform the same with list comprehension. My problem is being to put the condition to avoid to insert the duplicated one: something like this:


new= [['Captain Marvel', 'Avengers: Infinity War', 'Ant-Man And The Wasp', 'The Fate Of The Furious', 'Deadpool 2'], ['Inhumans', 'The Fate Of The Furious', 'Venom', 'American Assassin', 'Black Panther']]

lista2 =[]
for movieL in new:
        lista2 = [val
                for sublist in new
                for val in sublist
              #if val not in lista2 this does not work


['Captain Marvel', 'Avengers: Infinity War', 'Ant-Man And The Wasp', 'The Fate Of The Furious', 'Deadpool 2', 'Inhumans', 'The Fate Of The Furious', 'Venom', 'American Assassin', 'Black Panther']


  • If sorting matters:

    new = [['Captain Marvel', 'Avengers: Infinity War', 'Ant-Man And The Wasp', 'The Fate Of The Furious', 'Deadpool 2'], ['Inhumans', 'The Fate Of The Furious', 'Venom', 'American Assassin', 'Black Panther']]
    lst = [item for sublist in new for item in sublist]
    print(sorted(list(set(lst)), key=lambda x: lst.index(x)))

    If it doesn't matter:

    new = [['Captain Marvel', 'Avengers: Infinity War', 'Ant-Man And The Wasp', 'The Fate Of The Furious', 'Deadpool 2'], ['Inhumans', 'The Fate Of The Furious', 'Venom', 'American Assassin', 'Black Panther']]
    print(list(set([item for sublist in new for item in sublist])))