I am creating a website that relies on Firebase Authentication and uses Google Auth. After the user logs in on a separate page, my website redirects the user to the "main page" where the window loads based on the user that is logged in.
However, if I check if a logged-in user exists at "window.onload," it is always false. Instead, if I run an async function, and then check for a logged-in user after a ".then", I get true back.
This leads me to hypothesize that "window.onload" fires quicker than the page can recognize the logged-in user.
How do I fix this problem and make sure that the logged-in user loads before I call on my async function? I am pretty sure firebase.auth() itself is async, but for some reason .then does not seem to work with it.
window.onload = loadPage();
function loadPage()
var user = firebase.auth().currentUser;
console.log("userFound before async"); //Does NOT console log
var user = firebase.auth().currentUser;
console.log("userFound after async"); //Does console log
If you want to do something with the currently signed in user, you should use an auth state observer to register a callback that gets invoked when the user object is first known. It won't be available when the page initially loads, as you have described in your question.
firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(function(user) {
if (user) {
// User is signed in.
// ...
} else {
// User is signed out.
// ...
Depending on the completion of other async functions is not advisable - use the observer to know for sure. It will be invoked whenever it is first known for sure if a user is signed in or not, and again with each change in sign-in state.