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Cannot see message on rabbitmq using EventBus.RabbitMQ.Standard

I'm start to learn about microservices with rabbitmq on .net core. I tried to understand how implement a simple way for publish and subscribe events, and i found a nuget with a samples on: Github EventBus.RabbitMQ.Standard

I execute the Publisher example and consume URL for publish a simple event with this configuration:

"RabbitMq": {
"BrokerName": "test_broker",
"AutofacScopeName": "test_autofac",
"QueueName": "temp_queue",
"RetryCount": "5",
"VirtualHost": "/",
"Username": "guest",
"Password": "guest",
"Host": "localhost",
"DispatchConsumersAsync": true


Now works, create the queue and not generate a exception, but i cannot see a message on queue: enter image description here

enter image description here

Nowadays with my knowledge about rabbitmq i dont know if maybe is a error on my rabbit configuration or if is a error on the nuget library.

Any ideas about what may be happening?


  • I found the error on my implementation. I dont put on my Startup class (in Configure method) of my subscriber:           


    Because that part not exists in the blog-github example documentation ;/ .