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Unable to launch emulator on Android Studio: EventQueue.isDispatchThread()=false, then unable to locate adb

When trying to run my device emulator on Android Studio, a pop-up appears: popup description Previously, I had gotten the error 'Unable to locate adb', but after replacing the default platform_tools folder with the official version, this pop-up now replaced the last one. I don't think this is a problem with my installation, as I've uninstalled and reinstalled Android Studio and the flutter-sdk several times, each attempt met with the unable to locate adb error, then this one. Could it be the way I'm unzipping a certain file? I'm grasping at straws here. Are there any fixes for this? To be honest, I'm not even sure where to start. I haven't seen any other page that describes getting this error while trying to launch an emulator.

Thank you for your time!

Edit: Error description in plain-text:

EventQueue.isDispatchThread()=false Toolkit.getEventQueue()=com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue@2c5cc720
Current thread: Thread[ApplicationImpl pooled thread 4,4,Idea Thread Group] 1175604479
SystemEventQueueThread: Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,Idea Thread Group] 1657237134  

I've tried to create a new device and wipe the data on my current one, but that just results in the unable to locate adb pop-up again (I don't have an antivirus like Avaast enabled by the way), and I am absolutely certain that adb.exe is in my file-path (C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe). I have uninstalled and reinstalled platform-tools from the SDK-manager multiple times, each instance being met with this same error. I cannot run any flutter program, on any emulator. I have not yet tried with a regular Android Studio project. Any ideas?


  • so, i'm still not sure why the EventQueue error is showing, but what I do know is that the unable to locate adb is a negligible pop-up if you know for certain that adb.exe is in your file-directory. My issue was that I didn't have enough memory to run the emulator on my machine, so be sure to have plenty of room while developing apps (~11 gigs while using Android Studio and flutter-sdk)! That's all, it certainly was a strange experience working through it.