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SwiftUI SignInWithAppleButton Hangs

I am trying to implement Sign in With Apple with SwiftUI, but it hangs after I enter the correct password.

I am using a real user and the simulator and XCode 12.0 Beta. Unfortunately, I do not have a device available right now to test on. I also tried with Sandbox users without success.

I have added the sign in with apple capability to the provisioning profile

The print statement for success is never reached.

What am I missing?


Using the sample code from

import SwiftUI
import AuthenticationServices

struct SignInView: View {
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
                onRequest: { request in
                    request.requestedScopes = [.fullName]
                onCompletion: { result in
                    switch result {
                    case .success (let authResults):
                        print("rhe01 Authorization successful.")
                    case .failure (let error):
                        print("rhe01 Authorization failed: " + error.localizedDescription)


  • This was a bug in the Simulator that was introduced in Xcode 12.0b1 - see this thread on Apple's forums. The good news is that this has now been fixed in Xcode 14, which is in beta as of this writing.

    • UPDATE 2022-06-06] Tested and FIXED in Xcode 14.0 beta (14A5228q)
      • Simulator Version 14.0 (982)
      • SimulatorKit 620
      • CoreSimulator 842.7

    Full testing history

    • [UPDATE 2022-05-13] Tested and still not working in Xcode 13.4 RC (13F17a) with the following Simulator versions:

      • Simulator Version 13.4 (977.2)
      • SimulatorKit 618
      • CoreSimulator 802.6.1
    • [UPDATE 2022-03-13] Tested and still not working in Xcode 13.3 (13E113) with the following Simulator versions:

      • Simulator Version 13.3 (977.2)
      • SimulatorKit 618
      • CoreSimulator 802.6
    • [UPDATE 2022-01-27] Tested and still not working in Xcode 13.3 beta (13C90) with the following Simulator versions:

      • Version 13.3 (977.1)
      • SimulatorKit 618
      • CoreSimulator 802.3
    • [UPDATE 2021-12-07] Tested and still not working in Xcode 13.2 RC (13C90) with the following Simulator versions:

      • Version 13.2 (972.2)
      • SimulatorKit 613.1
      • CoreSimulator 783.5
    • [UPDATE 2021-10-18] Tested and still not working in Xcode 13.1 RC (13A1030d) with the following Simulator versions:

      • Version 13.1 (970)
      • SimulatorKit 612
      • CoreSimulator 776.4
    • [UPDATE 2021-09-14] Tested and still not working in Xcode 13 RC (13A233) with the following Simulator versions:

      • Version 13.0 (970)
      • SimulatorKit 612
      • CoreSimulator 776.3
    • [UPDATE 2021-06-30] Tested and still not working in Xcode 13 beta 2 (13A5155e) with the following Simulator versions:

      • Version 13.0 (967.1)
      • SimulatorKit 611
      • CoreSimulator 772.1
    • [UPDATE 2021-06-08] Tested and still not working in Xcode 13 beta 1 (13A5154h) with the following Simulator versions:

      • Version 13.0 (967.1)
      • SimulatorKit 611
      • CoreSimulator 772.1
    • [UPDATE 2021-04-22] Tested and still not working in Xcode 12.5 RC (12E262) with the following Simulator versions:

      • Version 12.5 (961.1)
      • SimulatorKit 609
      • CoreSimulator 757.5
    • [UPDATE 2021-01-22] Tested and still not working in Xcode 12.4 RC (12D4e) with the following Simulator versions:

      • Version 12.4 (940.20)
      • SimulatorKit 597.13.0.1
      • CoreSimulator 732.18.6
    • [UPDATE 2020-11-16] Tested and still not working in Xcode 12.2 RC (12B45b) with the following Simulator versions:

      • Version 12.2 (940.16)
      • SimulatorKit 597.13.0.1
      • CoreSimulator 732.18.0.2
      • (yep - the Simulator versions haven't changed, so no surprise here)
    • [UPDATE 2020-10-22] Tested and still not working in Xcode 12.2 beta 3 (12B5035g) with the following Simulator versions:

      • Version 12.2 (940.16)
      • SimulatorKit 597.13.0.1
      • CoreSimulator 732.18.0.2
    • [UPDATE 2020-10-15] Tested and still not working in Xcode 12.1 GM Seed with the following Simulator versions:

      • Version 12.1 (940.16)
      • SimulatorKit 597.13
      • CoreSimulator 732.18
    • [UPDATE 2020-09-29] Tested and still not working in Xcode 12.2 beta 2 with the following Simulator versions (no surprise - same versions as beta 1):

      • Version 12.2 (940.16)
      • SimulatorKit 597.13
      • CoreSimulator 732.18
    • [UPDATE 2020-09-18] Tested and still not working in Xcode 12.2 beta with the following Simulator versions:

      • Version 12.2 (940.16)
      • SimulatorKit 597.13
      • CoreSimulator 732.18
    • [UPDATE 2020-09-15] Still(!) not fixed in Xcode 12.0 GM Seed, with the following Simulator versions:

      • Version 12.0 (940.16)
      • SimulatorKit 597.13
      • CoreSimulator 732.17
    • [UPDATE 2020-08-26] Still not fixed in Xcode 12b6 (it actually seems like Apple didn't update the Simulator between b5 and b6 - both drops show the following versions:

      • Version 12.0 (940.16)
      • SimulatorKit 597.13
      • CoreSimulator 732.13
    • [UPDATE 2020-08-18] This is still an issue in Xcode 12b5. I've updated FB8281892 accordingly.

    • [UPDATE 2020-08-06] This is still an issue with Xcode 12b4. I've filed FB8281892 with details.