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WP Gutenberg, how to import EditableText (as an alternative to RichText )?

I need a Gutenberg block that asks for a string without format

So instead of using RichText, I'd say EditableText is the component that I need

Documentation here

In my code the problem is that I cannot even import the component

import { EditableText } from '@wordpress/block-editor'
//import { EditableText } from '@wordpress/components'
import { RichText  } from '@wordpress/block-editor'

console.log(EditableText) // nothing

I can see the RichText lives in wp.editor and in wp.blocEditor, but I cannot find EditableText anywhere

Why is that? Is this element deprecated? If so, what would be an alternative to add an input block without formatting?

EDIT: I can always use a plain <input> element, as said here but I'd like to know why EditableText is not available or how I can import it


  • I think this is because the EditableText block is not stable yet, in the current version, I can see that that it is based on the RichText component:

    import RichText from '../rich-text';
    const EditableText = forwardRef( ( props, ref ) => {
        return (
                ref={ ref }
                { ...props }
    } );

    Unfortunately, it crashes when I try to use it (I may be doing it wrong), and using the RichText as the code from EditableText suggests does not work.

    Solution : the documentation of RichText indicates that you can use the formattingControls attribute even though it is not recommended for "just text input":

    Alternatively, to get a "pure" Gutenberg implementation of your input field, you can use TextControl (beware of the imports in the example, it is located in @wordpress/components and not @wordpress/blocks):

    import { TextControl } from '@wordpress/components';
    import { withState } from '@wordpress/compose';
    const MyTextControl = withState( {
        className: '',
    } )( ( { className, setState } ) => ( 
            label="Additional CSS Class"
            value={ className }
            onChange={ ( className ) => setState( { className } ) }
    ) );