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The specified conversion is not valid. Is IDataReader buggy? Or what am I doing wrong?

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Take a look at the image. You will see I retrieve a boolean value from the IDataReader. But calling IdataReader..GetBoolean() throws that error: The specified conversion is not valid.

While Convert.ToBoolean(drDatosDco.GetValue(6)) works fine.

at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBuffer.get_Boolean()
at file.cs:line 54

The column data type in the database is bit with value 1.


  • The problem wasn't IdataReader. The table type is a bit but the information is coming from a stored procedure where they cast the bit to tinyint. enter image description here

    As @Flydog57 said in the comments above

    From the docs, anything but a BIT resultset column type will throw.

    So the problem was the cast from the bit to tinyint.