I have an MS Access database. The database version is 2002-2003 (therefore mdb). From that database I am exporting several fields into a temporary table in order to represent them on a website. As there is a field which has several comma-separated entries, I am splitting them so that each record has only one entry per field.
Imagine a German-English dictionary with the following record:
en | de
building | Gebäude,Bauwerk
I want to split it as follows:
en | de
building | Gebäude
building | Bauwerk
The VBA function that I am using used to work fine. The database has around 100.000 records. Splitting used to take around 30 minutes. Now it takes the whole day.
This is the function:
Public Sub commasplitfield4()
Dim rstObj As DAO.Recordset, dbObj As DAO.Database
Dim InsertSQL As String
Set dbObj = CurrentDb()
Set rstObj = dbObj.OpenRecordset("qry-export")
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
Do While Not rstObj.EOF
Dim memArr() As String
memArr = Split(rstObj.Fields("field4"), ",")
For i = 0 To UBound(memArr)
InsertSQL = "INSERT INTO exporttemp(field1,field2,field3,field4) VALUES (""" & rstObj.Fields("field1") _
& """, """ & rstObj.Fields("field2") _
& """, """ & rstObj.Fields("field3") & """, """ & memArr(i) & """)"
DoCmd.RunSQL (InsertSQL)
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub
I cannot say when exactly it started to take so long, but I can say that changing from Windows 7 to Windows 10 didn't make a difference. I am on Windows 10 for a long time and it still used to work well. Also moving from Access 2007 to 2010 and then to 2019 didn't make a difference, at least not at once.
In order to check where the error could lie I went through the following checklist:
None of that made a notable difference.
Any idea?
The by far best answer was the one from HansUp. Instead of a whole day it takes a couple of minutes now. I cannot even thank HansUp properly because he put the solution in a side comment.
Surprisingly, there is actually little that I had to change in the code. So, the solution was to modify the code as follows:
Public Sub commasplitfield4()
Dim rstObj As DAO.Recordset, dbObj As DAO.Database
Dim InsertSQL As String
Set dbObj = CurrentDb()
Set rstObj = dbObj.OpenRecordset("qry-export")
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
Do While Not rstObj.EOF
Dim memArr() As String
memArr = Split(rstObj.Fields("field4"), ",")
For i = 0 To UBound(memArr)
InsertSQL = "INSERT INTO exporttemp(field1,field2,field3,field4) VALUES (""" & rstObj.Fields("field1") _
& """, """ & rstObj.Fields("field2") _
& """, """ & rstObj.Fields("field3") & """, """ & memArr(i) & """)"
'DoCmd.RunSQL (InsertSQL)
dbObj.Execute (InsertSQL), dbFailOnError 'this line made the difference
'DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub