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Why is the Mesh menu empty?

I am new to unreal and am facing a weird problem. I would like to insert a mesh on my character but the mesh menu is completely empty. Below is the image of how it looks. enter image description here

As you can see, this blueprint class is derived from a class named 'MainCharacter'. Here is the relevant code snippet.

Implementation (c++) file

FPSMesh = CreateDefaultSubobject<USkeletalMeshComponent>(TEXT("Mesh"));

Header file

UPROPERTY(VisibleDefaultsOnly, Category = Mesh)
USkeletalMeshComponent *FPSMesh;

The problem started when I switched the USkeletalMeshComponent to a UStaticMeshComponent. I started getting an empty mesh screen. I switched it back to a USkeletalMeshComponent and I am still getting this empty menu.

Any Tips?


  • Deleting the Blueprint and recreating it worked. No idea why.