is an igraph object. I wish to find the cliques (mylist
), and then convert this large list object to a dataframe object. i.e. one column with the clique number, another column with the members of this clique.
mylist = maximal.cliques(g)
# error here when converting to dataframe
cliques_df = mylist %>%
However, the code produces the error: Error in as.data.frame.default(value, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) : cannot coerce class ‘"igraph.vs"’ to a data.frame
Running vertex_attr_names(g)
produces "NodeID" (so NodeID is the node attribute).
However, my g
(igraph object) does not seem to have the NodeID displayed as attribute. Is this normal?
Link to data file: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14eiJhW499lMM5BKaU4Qau-B7ieZCrSKx?usp=sharing
In the attached example you have the clique numbers and clique members in a dataframe. When you are using maximal.cliques(g)
the attribute name
is kept, but attribute PaperID
seems to be dropped. You have to do the following assignment for the attribute name
: V(g)$name <- NodeIds
and use attributes(x)$name
in the second sapply
. Take a closer look to the working example attached. I've stated the problem.
#> Attache Paket: 'igraph'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> decompose, spectrum
#> The following object is masked from 'package:base':
#> union
g <- sample_gnp(100, 0.3)
NodeIds <- paste("A", 1:100, sep =":")
V(g)$name <- NodeIds
V(g)$PaperID <- NodeIds
mylist <- maximal.cliques(g)
clique_number <- sapply(mylist, length)
clique_members <- sapply(mylist, function(x) paste("'", attributes(x)$name, "'", collapse = ",", sep = ""))
#> chr [1:2035] "'A:87','A:81','A:57'" "'A:87','A:81','A:77','A:69'" ...
# empty character vector!!!
cliques_members2 <- sapply(mylist, function(x) paste("'", attributes(x)$PaperID, "'", collapse = ",", sep = ""))
#> chr [1:2035] "''" "''" "''" "''" "''" "''" "''" "''" "''" "''" "''" "''" ...
cliques_df <- data.frame(cliqueNums = clique_number, cliqueMembs = clique_members)
head(cliques_df, n = 10)
#> cliqueNums cliqueMembs
#> 1 3 'A:87','A:81','A:57'
#> 2 4 'A:87','A:81','A:77','A:69'
#> 3 3 'A:87','A:79','A:69'
#> 4 4 'A:87','A:79','A:75','A:51'
#> 5 4 'A:87','A:79','A:75','A:65'
#> 6 3 'A:87','A:69','A:91'
#> 7 3 'A:87','A:65','A:28'
#> 8 3 'A:87','A:65','A:17'
#> 9 3 'A:87','A:57','A:28'
#> 10 3 'A:87','A:57','A:46'
# checks:
#> [[1]]
#> + 3/100 vertices, named, from c3ed415:
#> [1] A:87 A:81 A:57
#> [[2]]
#> + 4/100 vertices, named, from c3ed415:
#> [1] A:87 A:81 A:77 A:69
#> [[3]]
#> + 3/100 vertices, named, from c3ed415:
#> [1] A:87 A:79 A:69
#> [[4]]
#> + 4/100 vertices, named, from c3ed415:
#> [1] A:87 A:79 A:75 A:51
#> [[5]]
#> + 4/100 vertices, named, from c3ed415:
#> [1] A:87 A:79 A:75 A:65
#> [[6]]
#> + 3/100 vertices, named, from c3ed415:
#> [1] A:87 A:69 A:91
#> [[7]]
#> + 3/100 vertices, named, from c3ed415:
#> [1] A:87 A:65 A:28
#> [[8]]
#> + 3/100 vertices, named, from c3ed415:
#> [1] A:87 A:65 A:17
#> [[9]]
#> + 3/100 vertices, named, from c3ed415:
#> [1] A:87 A:57 A:28
#> [[10]]
#> + 3/100 vertices, named, from c3ed415:
#> [1] A:87 A:57 A:46
#> + 5/100 vertices, named, from c3ed415:
#> [1] A:21 A:67 A:62 A:27 A:22
cliques_df[22, ]
#> cliqueNums cliqueMembs
#> 22 5 'A:21','A:67','A:62','A:27','A:22'
Created on 2020-07-07 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)