In waf-regional you can actually insert an IP in existing set but how I can do the same thing in WAFv2?
When I tried to do that it replaces the whole IP-set, I just want to add one IP in existing IP-set
After some research, I was able to do this with the existing API. Assign the values to all variables in starting of the script
# Get IP set
aws wafv2 get-ip-set --name=$NAME --scope REGIONAL --id=$ID --region $REGION > /root/IP_SET_OUTPUT
# Get token from the JSON
LOCK_TOKEN=$(jq -r '.LockToken' /root/IP_SET_OUTPUT)
# Get IP list from the JSON
arr=( $(jq -r '.IPSet.Addresses[]' /root/IP_SET_OUTPUT) )
# Add our ip to the list
arr+=( "${IP}/${BLOCK}" )
echo "${arr[@]}"
# Update IP set
aws wafv2 update-ip-set --name=$NAME --scope=REGIONAL --id=$ID --addresses "${arr[@]}" --lock-token=$LOCK_TOKEN --region=$REGION