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django-tables2 linkcolumn multiple items in the same cell

I'd like to add multiple 'items' to the same cell using tables.LinkColumn.

Something like this:

column_name = tables.LinkColumn('some_url_edit', args=[A('pk')], attrs={'class':'tbl_icon edit'})
column_name += tables.LinkColumn('some_url_del', args=[A('pk')], attrs={'class':'tbl_icon delete'})
column_name += ...

Is this even possible? or should I create my own table view, without django-tables.



  • You have two options here, either use a TemplateColumn, or write a render_FOO method.

    Here is an example using the TemplateColumn (as you can see the record is added to the context that is used to render the template, thus allowing you to access the pk via

    TEMPLATE = '''
       <a href="{% url some_url_edit %}" class="tbl_icon edit">Edit</a>
       <a href="{% url some_url_del %}" class="tbl_icon delete">Delete</a>
    class MyTable(tables.Table):
        column_name = tables.TemplateColumn(TEMPLATE)

    Example using the render_FOO:

    from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
    from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
    class MyTable(tables.Table):
        column_name = tables.Column()
        def render_column_name(self, record):
            edit_url = reverse("some_url_edit", args=[])
            del_url = reverse("some_url_del", args=[])
            return mark_safe('''<a href="%s" class="tbl_icon edit">Edit</a>
                             <a href="%s" class="tbl_icon delete">Delete</a>'''
                             % (edit_url, del_url))

    As you can see the TemplateColumn approach is probably a little cleaner in your case.