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How to wait till LiveData of a ViewModel is retrieved

In my android application, I have a fragment containing a view pager with two child fragments. The app uses firebase. I am attempting to run a query on the second child fragment, based on the value chosen on the first child fragment. This value is passed to the second value through a ViewModel. But when i run my application it crashes due to the following error: "java.lang.NullPointerException: Can't pass null for argument 'pathString' in child()". How can i get my application to wait until the value is retrieved and assigned from the ViewModel

ViewModel code:

public class AppointmentBookingViewModel extends ViewModel
    private static MutableLiveData<String> mName = new MutableLiveData<>();

    public void setBarberSchedules(String name)

    public static LiveData<String> getBarberSchedules()
        return mName;

First child fragment:

booktv.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
                    public void onClick(View v) {


Second Child Fragment:

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
        appointmentBookingViewModel = new ViewModelProvider(getParentFragment()).get(AppointmentBookingViewModel.class);
        AppointmentBookingViewModel.getBarberSchedules().observe(requireActivity(), new Observer<String>()
            public void onChanged(@Nullable String s)
                barberId = s;
                /*Toast toast = Toast.makeText(getActivity().getApplicationContext(), s, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);

    public void onStart()
        Query query = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference().child("Users").child("Barbers").child(barberId).child("TimeSlots").child("Day 1").orderByChild("id");
// this is where the error occurs due to barberId being null when this line is executed


  • This happens because you are instantiating FirebaseDatabase while barberId isn't set yet

    Simply move this line

    Query query = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference().child("Users").child("Barbers").child(barberId).child("TimeSlots").child("Day 1").orderByChild("id");

    to onChanged callback

    public void onChanged(@Nullable String s)
          barberId = s;
          Query query = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference().child("Users").child("Barbers").child(barberId).child("TimeSlots").child("Day 1").orderByChild("id"); // Here
          /*Toast toast = 
          Toast.makeText(getActivity().getApplicationContext(), s, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);

    Then FirebaseDatabase process will be called after data is successfully retrieved