I have three classes Student, Session and student classes it has a relationship (Student with Enrollment, Session with Enrollment and student Class with enrollment), when I do echo it show the result [{"id":1,"school_id":1,"class_id":1,"student_id":1,"session_id":1,"created_at":null,"updated_at":null}] ,i have plucked value from student class
Note it is working
same from Session it is also working but when I plucked from student class and need class_name it not show an error but not the plucked value from studentclass here is the same type of query in blade.php
here is the relationship one to many in StudentClass Controller
public function enrollments()
return $this->hasMany(Enrollement::class);
Enrollement Class
public function studentclass()
return $this->belongsTo(StudentClass::class);
how to pick the class_name value from table using this relationship. thanks
Firstly, note that you can use the implode
method on the illuminate/collection method:
{{ $en->school()->get()->pluck('school_name')->implode(', ') }}
which can be further shortened to
{{ $en->school->pluck('school_name')->implode(', ') }}
The studentclass can be plucked like so
{{ $en->studentclass->pluck('enrollments.class_name')->implode(', ') }}
using dot syntax to access the class name.
to prevent this from creating a n+1 issue and reduce the number of queries ran, you should lazy load the relationship:
{{ $en->load('studentclass.enrollments')->studentclass->pluck('enrollments.class_name')->implode(', ') }}
you could also load it in advance:
$en = Enrollment::with('studentclass.enrollments')->where('id', $id)->first();