I'm trying to create a binding of a generic trait using Guice
See how the trait
is defined
trait Repository[T]
See the trait
class DomainRepository extends Repository[Domain]
My configure method in DomainPersistenceModule
def configure() {
The variable whose dependence will be injected is:
var repository:Repository[Domain] = _
The injection occurs here:
val injector:Injector = Guice.createInjector(new PersistenceModule())
val persistenceService:PersistenceService =
The error is:
Caused by: com.google.inject.ConfigurationException: Guice configuration errors:
1) No implementation for repository.Repository<domain.Domain> annotated with @module.annotation.DomainDependency() was bound.
while locating repository.Repository<domain.Domain> annotated with @module.annotation.DomainDependency()
for field at service.persistence.DomainPersistenceService.repository(DomainPersistenceService.scala:19)
while locating service.persistence.DomainPersistenceService
Am I missing something? Thanks in advance
You need a TypeLiteral binding like this:
bind(new TypeLiteral[Repository[Domain]] {})
is a special class that allows you to specify a full parameterized type. Basically, you can't instantiate a class with a generic type parameter.
Also, take a look at this answer.
See "How to inject class with generic type?" in the Guice FAQ.