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Composite multicolumn index for geopoint range and numeric range query

I am building an app where the server needs to select rows based on some criteria/filters. One of them is the location of the user and the radius at which the user want's to see posts and other filters such date range and filter for a value of another column. This is going to be for an ad-hoc event discovery app.

I have read about PostGIS and I know there is a point datatype. Based on this answer I understood that it is better to order from equality to range columns, even though I feel like geo point column should be the first. But the main question is, how is it possible to create such an index? I thought about GiST index but not sure that helps.

Suppose the following simplified events table (disregard the validity position data):

id  event_title                  event_position   event_type  is_public  start_date
    (varchar)                    (point lat/lon)  (smallint)  (boolean)  (timestamptz)
--  ---------------------------  ---------------  ---------   ---------  ----
 1  "John's Party"               (122,35)         0           0          2020-07-05
 2  "Revolution then Starbucks"  (123,30)         1           1          2020-07-06
 3  "Study for math exam"        (120,36)         2           1          2020-07-07
 4  "Party after exam"           (120,36)         1           1          2020-07-08
 5  "Hiking next to the city"    (95,40)          3           1          2020-07-09
 6  "Football match"             (-42,31)         4           1          2020-07-10

So in this table a user would be able to query public events close to (122,34) by 100km (suppose first three rows fall into this area) and of event types 0, 1 or 2 falling between dates 2020-07-05 and 2020-07-07. The user would get the rows with ID 2 and 3.

This is the query I want to optimize with an appropriate index. Thank you!


  • With the help of the btree_gist extension, you can include the event_type and start_date columns into the GiST index along with the event_position. However, the event_type won't be very useful in the index as long as the restriction clause is something like event_type in (0, 1, 2). (But if the list only contains one element, it will be rewritten into an equality, and in that case it can use that column in the index efficiently.) So using the other two columns would be my starting point. I would put the usually more selective one first. If you are going to leave past events in the table rather than clearing them out, then the date is probably going to eventually be the more selective one.

    If the location condition is not very selective at all (e.g. most of your events are in NYC, and most of your users are in NYC, and almost everything is within 100km of almost everything else), then you might want a different approach. Just make a default BTREE index on (event_type, start_date). Unlike GiST, such a BTREE can effectively use a condition like event_type in (0, 1, 2) along with AND start_date between x and y.

    I don't think that there is a fundamental reason GiST can't use the in-list effectively while BTREE can. Maybe that will be fixed for GiST in some future version.