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Enable CloudWatch logs for AWS API Gateway using Terraform

I am using OpenAPI 3.0 spec to deploy an AWS API Gateway. I am not able to figure out how to enable cloud watch logs for the deployment.

Here is the terraform code:

data "template_file" "test_api_swagger" {
  template = file(var.api_spec_path)

  vars = {

resource "aws_api_gateway_rest_api" "test_api_gateway" {
  name        = "test_backend_api_gateway"
  description = "API Gateway for some x"
  body        = data.template_file.test_api_swagger.rendered

  endpoint_configuration {
    types = ["REGIONAL"]

resource "aws_api_gateway_deployment" "test_lambda_gateway" {
  rest_api_id =
  stage_name  = var.env

I checked Amazon OpenAPI extensions and none seem to have this option. Only way I see is using api_gateway_method_settings which I cannot use in this case.


  • I think that it is not supported in terraform. I'm currently using terraform provisioner to run aws cli command after the deployment is created, like in the example below:

    The example that I'm providing is to enable XRay tracing. You'll need to research the correct path and value to be used for CloudWatch logs. You can find more information in the docs.

    resource "aws_api_gateway_deployment" "test_lambda_gateway" {
      rest_api_id =
      stage_name  = var.env
      provisioner "local-exec" {
        command = "aws apigateway update-stage --region ${} --rest-api-id ${} --stage-name ${var.env} --patch-operations op=replace,path=/tracingEnabled,value=true"

    You just need to make a reference to the aws data provider in your terraform template:

    data "aws_region" "current" {}