We are trying to remove 2 columns in a table with 3 types and make them as UDT instead of having those 2 as columns. So we came up with below two options. I just wanted to understand if there are any difference in these two UDT in Cassandra database?
First option is:
CREATE TYPE test_type (
cid int,
type text,
hid int
and then using like this in a table definition
test_types set<frozen<test_type>>,
Second option is:
CREATE TYPE test_type (
type text,
hid int
and then using like this in a table definition
test_types map<int, frozen<test_type>
So I am just curious which one is a preferred option here for performance related or they both are same in general?
It's really depends on how will you use it - in the first solution you won't able to select element by cid
, because to access the set
element you'll need to specify the full UDT value, with all fields.
The better solution would be following, assuming that you have only one collection column:
CREATE TYPE test_type (
type text,
hid int
create table test (
pk int,
cid int
udt frozen<test_type>,
primary key(pk, cid)
In this case:
is coming only in Cassandra 4.0. See the CASSANDRA-7396. Until that you'll need to get full map back, even if you need one element, and this will limit you on the size of the mappk
in this example)select * from test where pk = ... and cid in (..., ..., ...);
See the "Check use of collection types" section in the data model checks best practices doc.