I'm using FluentFTP for connecting, downloading, etc. from FTP
I would like to download files simultaneously from List. There is no problem downloading them one by one.
This is how my code looks like:
Downloading function:
public async Task<bool> DownloadFileAsync(string RemoteUrl, string AppName, Progress<FtpProgress> progress = null)
return await Task.Run(async() =>
using (FileStream read = new FileStream("settings.xml", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite))
if (ftpClient.IsConnected)
if (File.Exists("settings.xml"))
Information info = (Information)xs.Deserialize(read);
if (Directory.Exists(info.Downloads))
bool DownloadFinished = await ftpClient.DownloadFileAsync(info.Downloads + "\\" + AppName, RemoteUrl, FtpLocalExists.Overwrite, FtpVerify.Retry, progress);
if (DownloadFinished == true)
loger.LogWrite("File " + RemoteUrl + " downloaded succesfully.");
return true;
loger.LogWrite("File" + RemoteUrl + " download failed.");
return false;
loger.LogWrite("Could not locate folder " + info.Downloads + " downloading terminated.");
return false;
MessageBox.Show("settings.xml file is missing.");
loger.LogWrite("settings.xml file is missing.");
return false;
loger.LogWrite("FTP Client is not connected could not download: " + RemoteUrl);
return false;
How I fill the list:
Arta_Variables.ArtaSoftware.Add(new Software() { RemoteUrl = "Ultra_Script/Basic_SW/Adobe_Reader.exe", SoftwareName = "Adobe_Reader.exe", FileExistsOnRemoteUrl = null, Downloaded = null });
This is how downloading them one by one:
if(Arta_Variables.DAAOChecked == false)
if (CheckFinished == true)
using (FileStream read = new FileStream("settings.xml", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite))
XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Information));
Information info = (Information)xs.Deserialize(read);
AddBlackLine("Downloading all available files.");
foreach (Software software1 in ArtaChosenSW)
string item = software1.SoftwareName;
int index = ArtaChosenSW.FindIndex(p => p.SoftwareName == item);
if (software1.FileExistsOnRemoteUrl == true)
AddBlackLine("Downloading " + software1.SoftwareName);
Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
DWGProgressLab.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
DP_ProgressPercentage.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
Progress<FtpProgress> prog = new Progress<FtpProgress>(x =>
int ConvertedInt = (int)x.Progress;
DP_ProgressPercentage.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => DP_ProgressPercentage.Content = ConvertedInt + "%"));
bool DWFinished = await ftp.DownloadFileAsync(software1.RemoteUrl, software1.SoftwareName, prog);
if (DWFinished == true)
AddGreenLine("Download of " + software1.SoftwareName + " succesfull.");
ArtaChosenSW[index].Downloaded = true;
ArtaChosenSW[index].LocalUrl = info.Downloads;
Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
DWGProgressLab.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
DP_ProgressPercentage.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
AddRedLine("Download of " + software1.SoftwareName + " failed");
ArtaChosenSW[index].FileExistsOnRemoteUrl = false;
ArtaChosenSW[index].FileExistsOnRemoteUrl = true;
AddBlackLine("File " + software1.SoftwareName + " did not found on ftp. Could not download.");
loger.LogWrite("File " + software1.SoftwareName + " did not found on ftp. Could not download.");
My try for simultaneous download:
foreach(Software software in ArtaChosenSW)
var tasks = ArtaChosenSW.Select(c => Task.Factory.StartNew(() => ftp.DownloadFileAsync(c.RemoteUrl, c.SoftwareName))).ToArray();
Sadly what it does it's creating blank files in local url with 0kb but no downloading is happening.
I'm not much experienced in async programming so I'll be glad for all answers or some better approaches.
It seems that you are using one FtpClient
instance for all your transfers.
The FtpClient
represents one connection to an FTP server. FTP protocol does not allow multiple parallel transfers over one connection. You have to open a new connection for every parallel transfer.
For an example of an implementation, see Download multiple files concurrently from FTP using FluentFTP with a maximum value.