I don't know how I can match my asynchronous function and my handle_info
this code works:
def order_month() do
Task.async(fn ->
|> Enum.map(fn a -> %{months: a} |> Map.put(:order_months, Proyect.BuyHandler.order_month(a |> Integer.to_string())
|> Enum.map(fn m -> m |> Proyect.BuyHandler.get_opc() end))end)
my intention is to receive it this way:
def handle_info({_ref, %{months: month, order_months: order_months}}, socket) do
{:noreply, assign(socket, %{months: month, order_months: order_months} )}
is designed to yield results with Task.await/2
Whether you want to receive results back with handle_info/2
, you should explicitly send the results from the spawned (e. g. with Kernel.spawn/1
) process to the parent process.
You have not shown the code of Proyect.BuyHandler.get_opc/1
, but if we assume it does a simple transformation, we might send the message from there (Task.start/1
should be used instead of Task.async/1
in such a case to start the process unlinked.) Somewhat along these lines would work.
def order_month(pid) do
Task.start(fn ->
|> Enum.map(fn a ->
%{months: a,
order_months: Proyect.BuyHandler.order_month("#{a}")}
|> Enum.map(&Proyect.BuyHandler.get_opc/1)
# ⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓ THIS ⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓
|> Enum.each(&send(pid, &1))
itself should probably have a signature def handle_info(%{}}, socket)
in such a case.