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What is the point of `std::make_optional`

All the std::make_ are made redundant by C++17 with the introduction of Class template argument deduction (except make_unique and make_shared).

So what is the point of std::make_optional? As far as I can tell it does the exact same thing as the deduction guides for std::optional.

Is there a scenario where std::make_optional is preferred over deduction guides?


  • One example of the difference is when you want (for whatever reason) to make an optional containing an optional:

    #include <optional>
    #include <type_traits>
    int main()
        auto inner=std::make_optional(325);
        auto opt2=std::make_optional(inner); // makes std::optional<std::optional<int>>
        auto opt3=std::optional(inner);      // just a copy of inner
        static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(opt2), std::optional<std::optional<int>>>);
        static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(opt3), std::optional<int>>);