I am trying to get data from a PostgreSQL database in a shiny app. The query is not working. Running the following
function(input, output) {
data.df<- eventReactive(input$fetcher, {
qry<-paste0("\'SELECT * FROM bhavcopy WHERE \"TIMESTAMP\" BETWEEN \'",input$start,"\' AND \'",input$end,"\' AND \"SYMBOL\"=\'",input$symbol,"\'\'")
returns the following error.
Warning: Error in : Failed to prepare query: ERROR: syntax error at or near "'SELECT * FROM bhavcopy WHERE "TIMESTAMP" BETWEEN '" LINE 1: 'SELECT * FROM bhavcopy WHERE "TIMESTAMP" BETWEEN '2020-06-1... ^
When I use the query (copying the result of cat(qry)) and run the following query
dbGetQuery(con,'SELECT * FROM bhavcopy WHERE "TIMESTAMP" BETWEEN '2020-06-11' AND '2020-07-04' AND "SYMBOL"='HDFCLIFE'')
the error is
Error: unexpected numeric constant in "dbGetQuery(con,'SELECT * FROM bhavcopy WHERE "TIMESTAMP" BETWEEN '2020"
Using this query(SELECT * FROM bhavcopy WHERE "TIMESTAMP" BETWEEN '2020-06-11' AND '2020-07-04' AND "SYMBOL"='HDFCLIFE') in PostgreSQL manager returns proper result.
I'm unable to catch the specific error and rectify it. Can anyone help?
I think you have to leave out the outer quotes. Try this:
function(input, output) {
data.df<- eventReactive(input$fetcher, {
qry<-paste0("SELECT * FROM bhavcopy WHERE \"TIMESTAMP\" BETWEEN '", input$start, "' AND '", input$end, "' AND \"SYMBOL\"= '", input$symbol, "'")
I cant test it but maybe you also have to leave out the single quotes surrounding input$start
and input$end