I'm using pathlib now, which makes many things easier for me. But I'm still missing the os.access method. Is there a way to work around with pathlib?
from os import access, R_OK
from pathlib import Path
def check_access(path):
return access(path, R_OK)
if check_access(path):
print("Path is available")
print("Path isn't available")
Based on the information out of the links below I created this code:
from pathlib import Path
def check_access(path, mode=None):
stat = oct(path.stat().st_mode)[2:]
if len(stat) <= 5:
stat = f'0{stat}'
per_user = stat[3]
## per_group = stat[4]
## per_other = stat[5]
if mode == 'F_OK':
return path.exists()
#is it equally to 040for dir 100 for file?
if mode == 'R_OK':
if per_user >='4':
return True
if mode == 'W_OK':
if per_user == 2 or 6 or 7:
return True
if mode == 'X_OK':
if int(stat) % 2:
return True
path = Path('directory')
if check_access(path, 'W_OK'):
print("Path is available")
print("Path isn't available")
May someone knows a better way to solve this issue with pathlib or can teach me a better understanding of the stat method.
Better assertEqual() for os.stat(myfile).st_mode
How can I get the Unix permission mask from a file? https://docs.python.org/3/library/pathlib.html#pathlib.Path.stat