I have the following dataset:
Date Text
0 05/26/2020 è morto all'improvviso jk, aveva...
1 05/26/2020 è morto a 51 anni jk, attore, co...
2 05/26/2020 aveva 51 anni e si trovava in Italia. il rico...
3 05/26/2020 arriva a milano nel 1990 per una serie di conc...
4 05/26/2020 jk, l'attore e comico, e...
5 05/26/2020 spettacolo.it ha appreso che jk, l'...
6 05/26/2020 e' morto all'improvviso jk. cant...
7 05/26/2020 addio a jk . una morte improvvis...
8 05/26/2020 lutto nel mondo della televisione. è morto a 5...
9 05/26/2020 è morto all'età di 51 anni ...
10 05/26/2020 è morto all'età di 51 anni ...
11 05/26/2020 all'improvviso se ne è andato ...
12 05/26/2020 è andato al supermercato ...
13 05/26/2020 jk è morto improvvisamente a 51 ...
14 05/26/2020 è morto, a menfi, il 51enne jk...
15 05/26/2020 muore a cinquantuno anni jk, il ...
I would like to use clustering (k-mean) to create labels for classifying texts. I did as follows:
import re
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
stop_words = stopwords.words('italian')
def preprocessing(line):
line = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z]", " ", line.lower())
words = word_tokenize(line)
words_lemmed = [WordNetLemmatizer().lemmatize(w) for w in words if w not in stop_words]
return words_lemmed
vect =TfidfVectorizer(tokenizer=preprocessing)
kmeans =KMeans(n_clusters=2).fit(vectorized_text)
import string as st
from pandas import Series, DataFrame
df['Cluster']=pd.Series(cl, index=df.index)
I would like to know how to visualise the results. I have tried as follows:
plt.scatter(vectorized_text, cl)
plt.scatter(kmeans.cluster_centers_[:, 0], kmeans.cluster_centers_[:, 1], s=300, c='red')
but I have this error:
ValueError: x and y must be the same size
due to plt.scatter(vectorized_text, cl)
, so something is wrong there. Looking at possible solutions on the web, I found something by using the PCA. Should I consider it?
Thank you
UPDATE: After receiving the answer below, I have tried with:
plt.scatter(vectorized_text[:, 0] ,cl)
plt.scatter(kmeans.cluster_centers_[:, 0], kmeans.cluster_centers_[:, 1], s=300, c='red')
unfortunately I am still getting an error:
ValueError: x and y must be the same size
The shape of the x
argument in plt.scatter()
has to have dimension (n,) which is not the case here. You can only select one column of vectorized_text
for the scatterplot, not all of them. Right now you x
dimension is 209x1245, and your y
dimensions is (209,)
to a 1D array ?Spoiler : you can not! You first need to slice out one column from it, then convert it to a dense matrix (right now it is sparse matrix), and then cast it as an array.
Let's assume you want to plot the fist columns from vectorized_text
: what you need to give as x
to plt.scatterplot
is :
np.asarray(vectorized_text[:, 0].todense())