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How to validate data from a middleware go-gin

Trying to learn golang, and I am lost on working with the context.Request.Body and its struct in a validation middleware

briefly how do they connect to each other, thanks in advance for your help

My middleware

package validations

import (

func SignupValidator(c *gin.Context) {
    // user := c.Request.Body
    var user entity.User
    validate := validator.New()
    if err := validate.Struct(&user); err != nil {
        c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{
            "error": err.Error(),


My struct

package entity

type User struct {
    Username         string `json:"username" validate:"required"`
    Email            string `json:"email"  validate:"email"`
    Password         string `json:"password" validate:"min=8,max=32,alphanum"`
    ConfirmPassword  string `json:"confirm_password" validate:"eqfield=Password,required"`

returned response error

    "error": "Key: 'User.Username' Error:Field validation for 'Username' failed on the 'required' tag\nKey: 'User.Email' Error:Field validation for 'Email' failed on the 'email' tag\nKey: 'User.Password' Error:Field validation for 'Password' failed on the 'min' tag\nKey: 'User.ConfirmPassword' Error:Field validation for 'ConfirmPassword' failed on the 'required' tag"
    "username": "bihire",
    "email": "",
    "password": "password",
    "confirm_password": "password"

router with middleware

auth.POST("login", gin.Logger(), validations.SignupValidator, func(ctx *gin.Context) {
            ctx.JSON(200, videoController.Save(ctx))


  • Looks like you're missing the return:

    func SignupValidator(c *gin.Context) gin.HandlerFunc {
        return func(c *gin.Context) {
           var user entity.User
           if err := c.ShouldBindJSON(&user); err == nil {           
             validate := validator.New()
             if err := validate.Struct(&user); err != nil {
                  c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{
                     "error": err.Error(),

    Note that we call c.Abort() if the validation failed. This is because gin calls the next function in the chain even after you write the header (c.JSON()) using c.Next().