I'm trying to show an image placeholder while the image is being loaded from the network and replace the placeholder with an actual image with a fade-in animation. This works fine when I use a simple png image from assets. Following is the existing code:
FadeInImage(placeholder: AssetImage('assets/one.png'),
image: NetworkImage(product.imageUrl),
fit: BoxFit.cover,)
Now I want to load a flare animation as image placeholder. I'm using FlareActor to show flare animation but FlareActor is a widget and placeholder in FadeInImage needs ImageProvider. Is there any way to load flare animation as image placeholder and replace it to actual image with a fade-in animation.
Following is the code to load simple flare animation:
animation: "Untitled",)
After spending some time I was able to solve the problem with Stack and Image frameBuilder.
Following is the code:
fit: BoxFit.cover,
frameBuilder: (ctx, child, frame, wasSynchronouslyLoaded) {
if (wasSynchronouslyLoaded) return child;
return Stack(children: <Widget>[
opacity: frame == null ? 1 : 0,
duration: Duration(seconds: 1),
child: frame == null
? FlareActor(
animation: "Untitled",
: null,
opacity: frame == null ? 0 : 1,
duration: Duration(seconds: 1),
child: frame != null ? child : null),