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I am awaiting for a return Promise from a class method from a module i am creating and i get it, but in a weird context. How can i await it properly?

So I am creating a module with a class method(schedule) with async function awaiting the return


class Schedule {
  constructor(project_id, queue_id) {
    this.project_id = project_id;
    this.queue_id = queue_id;

  schedule = async (date, rquest) => {

    const project = this.project_id;
    const queue = this.queue_id;
    const location = "us-central1";
    const url = rquest.url;
    const payload = rquest.body;

    // Construct the fully qualified queue name.
    const parent = client.queuePath(project, location, queue);

    const task = {
      httpRequest: {
        httpMethod: rquest.method,
        headers: rquest.headers,

    try {
      const request = await { parent, task };
      const [response] = await client.createTask(request);
      console.log("<THIS IS THE PROJECT ID> :",;
      return `${}`;
    } catch (error) {
      console.log("we have an error amigo!", error);

  delete = async (one) => {
    return console.log("delete function", one);

I imported my module on main.js and used my method. Once the results returns, I need to use it as a parameter to another method(delete) on the module I created(Scheduler.js).


const task_id = scheduler.schedule(date, request);


task_id is returning a promise and I can't execute scheduler.delete(task_id) because it is pending promise still.

Important: How can I handle this promise properly as I am only tasked to create the module and not the main.js. The people who would create the main.js would just be expected to run my methods without handling promise returns.


  • TLDR

    task_id is returning a promise

    If it's a promise you can await it

    async function main () {
        const task_id = await scheduler.schedule(date, request); // <--- THIS!

    Await & promises:

    In fact, the await keyword only works on promises (you can await non-promises but it is a no-op by design). That's the whole reason for await - an alternative way to use promises. Because of this functions marked with the async keyword always returns a promise.

    Or if you prefer not to await then just use it as a promise:

    scheduler.schedule(date, request)
             .then(task_id => scheduler.delete(task_id));