I would like to use Sensor.TYPE_HEART_BEAT
from Androids Sensor API to measure heart rate variability, however when requested from my application it returns null.
I've checked my manifest permissions for BODY_SENSORS
which has no effect. Sensor.TYPE_HEART_RATE
also seems to be working fine.
Sensor sensor = mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_HEART_BEAT);
if (sensor == null) {
Log.d(TAG,"Sensor is null");
I would expect this to return a valid sensor but it returns null. I am using the Ticwatch c2 which does have a heart rate sensor. I'm not sure why heart beat is not working.
According to this post on the mobvoi community forms, the Ticwatch C2 does not have a heart beat sensor.
The post also recommends using the adb command adb shell dumpsys sensorservice
to list all available sensors for any watch.