"APIs": {
"API-1": "http://localhost:5000/student",
"API-2": "http://localhost:5001/teacher"}
I created these attributes in launchSettings.json file. Now I need to access API-1 and API-2 values in Student.razor page. I tried to use it like this..
List<Student> students = await http.GetFromJsonAsync<List<Student>>("API-1");
You don't use launchsettings for that, you should use appsettings.json
Create an appsettings.json in wwwroot and put your api config in there.
"APIs": {
"API-1": "http://localhost:5000/student",
"API-2": "http://localhost:5001/teacher"
Then inject
wherever you need it.
@inject Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.IConfiguration config
List<Student> students = await http.GetFromJsonAsync<List<Student>>(config["APIs:API-1"]);