I have gitbash installed in Windows 10 64bit, but I assume the solution I am asking will work in both Linux Git and Win GitBash.
I have defined the BRNCH
variable to do multiple commit and merge operations involving the current branch, so I have declared current branch like below:
BRNCH=`git branch --show-current`
Now I want to get the Ticket ID (which is usually the capital of branch name discarding any versions like -v1
.... and keeping the digits as it is) from the branch name in the same current branch variable, and I am trying below, but this doesn't work:
echo ${BRNCH%-*^^}
So for eg. if the branch name I have is abc-123-v3
the above code which is expected to perform multiple string operations and print ABC-123
, doesn't even do single operation, but this works and gives me abc-123
echo ${BRNCH%-*}
I don't know very deep about Bash coding, so I assumed something like nested brace pairs with order precedence(this could be possible future enhancement in Bash and GitBash :)) might work and applied this, but that too didn't work:
echo ${{BRNCH%-*}^^}
So how to do multiple string operations on bash variable with just one or fewest lines of code and steps ?
So for eg. if the branch name I have is
the above code which is expected to perform multiple string operations and printABC-123
What's wrong with
echo ${v^^}
You can hide the temp and save yourself later trouble,
ticketfor() { local v=${1%-*}; echo ${v^^}; }
ticketfor $BRNCH