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Emulator: Process finished with exit code -1073741515 (0xC0000135)

Android Studio 4.0, Emulator 30.0.12, Win 10

Everything has been ok, but today my AVD emulator stopped start and started to show error like this:

The emulator process for AVD Pixel_2_API_29 was killed.

if I start it from the AVD Manager or if I started Debug my project then:

Emulator: Process finished with exit code -1073741515 (0xC0000135)

I tried:

  1. remove and install Android Studio ;
  2. reinstalled all plugins, gradle, sdk, emulator;

But it all doesn't effect to it.

May be anyone knows how fix this bug? Thx!


  • I've also faced the same situation many times and didn't get the exact error of why this happening from Android Studio.

    To understand of what causes this issue, try running the emulator from command line (cmd on Windows) which will also show the whole errors and issues you have:

    $ANDROID_SDK/emulator/emulator -avd <NameOfAVD> -verbose -show-kernel

    P.S: To get the list of avd devices, go to "sdk_path\emulator" then run:

    emulator -list-avds