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Problem updating Google Contact Picture in Ruby

I am trying to write a ruby app to update Google Contact Photos but I cant get the upload working. Im not sure if I have misunderstood the Google API but this is what I have so far:

Net::HTTP.start(URI.parse(image_element.attributes['href']).host) do |http|
  response, body = http.put(URI.parse(image_element.attributes['href']).path, data, {'If-Match' => '*', 'content-type'=>'image/*'})

The Google Data API says:

Every contact has a photo link element. It has the form:

href='' gd:etag='"KTlcZWs1bCp7ImBBPV43VUV4LXEZCXERZAc."'>

That element appears whether the contact has an associated photo or not. If the contact does have a photo, then the element contains a gd:etag attribute specifying an ETag for the photo. If the contact has no photo, then there's no gd:etag attribute, and the href attribute provides the URL to use to add a photo to the contact.

To add or update a photo given the element shown above, send a new photo with a PUT command to the URL: Remember to set a proper "image/*" Content-Type header.

To delete a photo, send an HTTP DELETE request to the same URL.

When updating or deleting a photo, send the photo's ETag in the If-Match header of the HTTP request. Alternatively, use If-Match: * to update or delete regardless of whether you have the latest version of the photo.

Can anyone see where I am going wrong?

UPDATE AND ANSWER: I've managed to get this working with some help from StackOverflow and a mate. Basically what was wrong was the incorrect MIME type being set (see below) but also I wasn't authenticated properly with Google for the PUT request. What I was trying to write was a Script that updates any missing Google Contact Photos with images from Gravatar (where possible). Once I got it working it worked great: managed to match about 2 - 3 dozen contacts. I wrote a blog post on the script in case anyone wants to run it also:


  • I've never used the Google Data API myself, but try setting the Content-Type header to, for example, image/jpeg, rather than just image/*.